Argentinian musical duo Rosa Incaica, a collaboration between soprano vocalist Annelise Skovmand and classical guitarist Pablo González Jazey, will perform several times on Valencia College’s East and West campuses in February 2019. Dedicated to building cross-cultural understanding through music for nearly two decades, the two virtuosos fuse elements of Argentinian folk, classical and popular music to create unique, acoustic arrangements.
On Feb. 5, Rosa Incaica will treat the students of East Campus to a multimedia concert and lecture entitled “Tango and Beyond: The Music of Argentina.” That evening, the musical guests will perform at 7:30 p.m in the campus’s performing arts center, following a reception at 6:30 p.m. including authentic Argentinian fare. On Feb. 6, Rosa Incaica will close their visit to the college with an evening performance on West Campus.
Evening performances on the East and West Campuses are free and open to the public. The Humanities Speaker Series is a Valencia College initiative supported by the student development office and the Valencia Foundation. Since the 1990s, when former Humanities Department chair Rick Rietveld launched the series, its mission has been to introduce the important thinkers, writers and performers of today to students and the Central Florida community.
WHAT: Valencia College Humanities Speaker Series: Tango and Beyond
WHO: Argentinian music duo Rosa Incaica
WHEN: Feb. 5 and 6, 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Valencia College East Campus, Performing Arts Center (Feb. 5)
Valencia College West Campus, HSB 105 (Feb. 6, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.)
TICKETS: Free and open to the public
Box Office: 407-582-2900